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Multi-Sensory Books and Other Items

Item: Hide & Squeak

Written by our Founder, Chris Fuller, Hide & Squeak has been designed specifically for early years children. This delightful multisensory book is perfect for little hands, with A4-sized pages that are easier to handle. Despite its smaller size, it promises just as much fun and excitement as our larger stories. Engaging young minds with interactive textures, captivating visuals, and enchanting sounds, Hide & Squeak is a gateway to a world of exploration.

Join Nia Rose on a delightful adventure in our latest multi-sensory story, Hide & Squeak. When a mysterious squeaking sound captures her attention, Nia and her Gran embark on a playful investigation. Nia Rose learns a valuable lesson about the joy of exploration and finds an adorable companion in the process. A heartwarming tale of curiosity, friendship, and the sweetest of surprises.


Squeak mouse on sparkly vinyl / Grass / Door / Flowers and smell / Bag and brush / Fur and bells / Mouse in hole

Information for Teachers

This book has been developed for use by Early Years and young children. Please note the pages in this book are smaller (A4 size) than our usual A3 sizes classic books pages.

Our classic books have a number of common curriculum elements.

Terms and Conditions

Our UK prices are heavily subsidised through UK fundraising and typically reflect under half of our actual production costs. For non-UK prices and shipping costs, please e-mail us

Our multi-sensory books are hand-made to order so please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery.

We are able to issue pro-forma invoices should this help with budgets. All our multi-sensory books and the DVD are subject to VAT at the Standard Rate. However, purchasers of multi-sensory books for use by a named individual may be entitled to claim a VAT exemption – please ask us for a declaration form or download it from and send it in with this order.