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Multi-Sensory Books and Other Items

Multi-Sensory Bookshop

Bag Books has a range of multi-sensory books available to purchase. The majority of books are designed to be enjoyed by both adults and children with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities. They can also be enjoyed by those on the autistic spectrum and people with visual and hearing impairments. Some books are aimed specifically at children, teenagers or adults. All books are available to order online or you can complete an order form (97KB PDF). Please send the completed order to 

Each book is handmade in a workshop by a team of skilled craft artists and volunteers and takes approximately ten hours to make. The books are subsided by UK fundraising so if you are based in the UK the price you pay is under half of the actual cost.

Bag Books can be told in groups or individually and are told through voice and emotion rather than words and pictures.  Each book comes in a sturdy cardboard box with a handle and includes laminated instructions and an A3 storyboard.

You will also find a range of manuals and storytelling guides in the Other Resources section.

All products are subject to VAT at the standard rate and postage and packing. Those purchasing multi-sensory books for use by a named individual may be entitled to claim a VAT exemption – please ask us for a declaration form or download it here (8KB PDF) and send it in with the order (if ordering online then send it in and if you are eligible we'll refund the VAT).

For overseas orders, please email

Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery