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How to make a complaint about our services


Bag Books is committed to providing an excellent service in all aspects of its work. The organisation wishes to respond quickly and effectively to any complaints from those with whom the organisation works, when it is considered that our service has fallen short of the standards to which we aspire.

All staff of the organisation will be encouraged to respond positively to complaints about services provided and it is hoped that any concerns can be dealt with informally to the satisfaction of the complainant.

However, where a complainant considers that an initial concern has not been dealt with satisfactorily or where a complaint is such that it warrants a more formal response, the following procedure should be followed.

Stage 1

The complaint should be put in writing to the Member of the Management Team who is responsible for the service about which the complaint is being made. Complainants will be advised as to the responsible member of staff by ringing the organisation’s office or, alternatively, the correspondence will be directed to the relevant person on receipt.

If the complaint is about the senior member of staff responsible for the service about which the complaint is being made, the complaint should be sent to the Chief Executive of the organisation.

If the complaint is about the Chief Executive of the organisation, the complaint should be addressed to the Chair of the Trustees.

The complaint will be acknowledged by the respondent within 5 working days of receipt and a full response will be sent within 28 working days. Should the investigation of the complaint require the involvement of third parties, a holding response will be sent within 10 working days, confirming a date by which a full response will be given.

Should the complainant not be satisfied with the response received, they can appeal against the decision as per Stage 2.

Stage 2

An appeal against a decision made as part of Stage 1 of the complaints procedure should be put in writing and addressed to the following people.

Appeals against the response to complaints dealt with by the Management Team will be dealt with by the Chief Executive whose decision in the matter will be final.

Appeals against the response to complaints dealt with by the Chief Executive will be dealt with by the Chair of the Trustees, whose decision in the matter will be final.

Appeals against the response to complaints dealt with by the Chair of the Trustees will be heard by the Trustee Board as a whole, whose decision will be final.

All appeals will be responded to within 20 working days of receipt and, during this time, the complainant will be invited to meet with the Chief Executive or Trustee in order to put their appeal in person.

Recording Complaints

All information regarding formal complaints will be kept as a confidential written record by the individual handling the complaint.

A central record of complaints will be kept by the Chief Executive who will make regular reports to the Trustees relating to the number, nature and outcome of complaints, as well as the organisation’s ability to respond within the timescales set down within the Complaints Procedure.

Information for Complainants

Bag Books. 1 Stewart’s Court, 218-220 Stewart’s Road, London SW8 4UB

  • Chair of Trustees: Jonathan Walsh
  • Chief Executive: Lucy Barrett
  • Storytelling Manager: Nina Martinez
  • Craft Workshop Manager: Sophie Baker
  • Finance Officer: Marion Mason