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Multi-Sensory Books and Other Items

Item: Anna's Allotment Bake

A story for Children, Teenagers and Adults. Storyboards also available in Welsh.

Anna visits Pete’s allotment to sow carrots and pull some sown previously. Back at home they decide to make a carrot cake but how long will it take to bake?


long grass / carrot seed and holes / carrot tops and carrot / tree with owl sound / apron / bowl and spoon / timer / carrot cake

Photograph of the contents

Information for Teachers

Our classic books have a number of common curriculum elements.

In addition, this particular story has the following elements:

  • Geography - former p5-7
  • Maths / Cognition ( time, measures shapes space) - former p5-7
  • PSHCE - former p5-7

Terms and Conditions

Our UK prices are heavily subsidised through UK fundraising and typically reflect under half of our actual production costs. For non-UK prices and shipping costs, please e-mail us

Our multi-sensory books are hand-made to order so please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery.

We are able to issue pro-forma invoices should this help with budgets. All our multi-sensory books and the DVD are subject to VAT at the Standard Rate. However, purchasers of multi-sensory books for use by a named individual may be entitled to claim a VAT exemption – please ask us for a declaration form or download it from and send it in with this order.